Simplix Puzzle (Photo Sliding Puzzle)

Language: English Deutsch

This is a sliding puzzle game for Linux (if you use ActiveTcl the program should work with Windows and Mac OS X too). Choose one of your own photos (ppm or jpg file format) and slide the pieces until the photo is complete.

Supported languages are English, German, Spanish, Italian and Turkish.

Requirements: tcl/tk 8.4 or higher

Download: Sliding Puzzle (Schiebepuzzle)

Start of the program:

(1) Extract the file: tar xfv simplixpuzzle-1.0.tar
(2) Change to the new directory: cd simplixpuzzle
(3) Make it executable: chmod a+x simplixpuzzle.tcl
(4) Run the game: ./simplixpuzzle.tcl


Please enter row number, column number and width of the photo. Then you enter the level. It is recommended that you choose a level that is approximatly equal to the number ob puzzle pieces: e.g. if you have a 4x4 puzzle set the level as 12, if you have a 10x8 puzzle set the level as 80.

As default you can load ppm-format photos only. If you install Imagemagick too, you can open jpg-photos as well. Don't forget to activate Imagemagick at the options.

At last two screenshots:


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